How can I schedule an SLC job to run at a specific time?

Nico Chart_21517
Nico Chart_21517
Altair Employee
edited October 15 in Altair RapidMiner

[This reply applies to Windows operating system only.]

We understand the Windows Task Scheduler is an application from Microsoft to execute batch jobs. There is a command line interface to Altair SLC called 'wps.exe' in the bin folder of each SLC installation that can be used in any batch-type script that can then be called by the task scheduler.

We would recommend putting together a script of some sort to execute your SAS language program using the wps.exe so that you can test and verify everything is working and then add this script to the Microsoft task scheduler to run daily, weekly or whenever you wish.

For example, a simple DOS-style script could be something of the form:

@set SLCLOC=C:\Program Files\Altair\SLC\2024\bin
@set PRJLOC=C:\Users\gm\Documents\Workbench Workspaces\Workspace1
@set RESLOC=%HOME%\slclogs
"%SLCLOC%\wps.exe" "%PRJLOC%\Samples\" -log "%RESLOC%\%1.log" -print "%RESLOC%\%1.lst"

Place these in a DOS bat file say, slcga.bat and then browse to this file when you open the task scheduler. You can then also add an argument which would be the name of the program you wish to execute from your filestore (effectively %1).

The exact details you will need to follow from the on-line Help for 'Creating a Basic Task' in the Microsoft application but the basic idea is to use 'wps.exe' for any batch or task scheduler action.
