Can't Install LM As a Service on Windows (LicenseMonitor)

To install License Monitor files, lmagent.64.exe and lm-win64.exe, as a service on Windows, you must run them as an administrator.
To do so, right-click on the downloaded file (lmagent.64.exe and lm-win64.exe) and choose “Run as administrator”. If you do not see that option, it means you don't have administrator privileges and cannot install the tool. Adjust your machine privileges as needed.
There are also times when choosing that option shows grayed out service account fields, and you can't install LM as a admin. That's because there is a setting in Windows that prevents unassigned software from running with admin privileges. This is the default setting. So even if you choose “Run as administrator," Windows will prevent the installation without any warning.
To change this, you need to change some of the UAC ("User Account Control") settings.
To do so, perform the following steps:
- From the Start menu, click Control Panel.
- Click Administrative tools.
- Click Local Security Policy > Local Policies > Security Options.
- Ensure the setting of "User Account Control: Behavior of the elevation prompt for administrators in Admin Approvel Mode" is set to "Elevate without prompting".
- Double-click on "User Account Control: Only elevate executable files that are signed and validated" and disable it.
- Enable "User Account Control: Detect application installation and prompt for elevation".
- Enable "User Account Control: Run all administrators in Admin Approval Mode"
- Click Apply.
- Click OK.
- Log out and the log back in.
- Run LicenseMonitor by right-clicking on the executable file and choosing “Run as Administrator”.
- If that doesn't resolve it, look for other applications on the same server that might have disabled the UAC or contact customer support.
Note: Depending your version of Windows, you may have to change the settings by navigating to them via a different route.