After upgrade of SLC, why can't SLC Hub seem to run any sas language programs?

Nico Chart_21517
Nico Chart_21517
Altair Employee
edited June 2024 in Altair RapidMiner


The firewall entry is created when SLC is installed and removed when SLC is uninstalled. This can be problematic if an old version is uninstalled *after* a new version has been installed, e.g. install v2024 and then uninstall v2023. 

Symptoms: Hub can’t run SLC. No clear error message. Just won’t run! 

Solution: Uninstall and re-install SLC 2024. (Alternatively, manually recreate an inbound rule for the program C:\Program Files\Altair\SLC\2024\bin\wpslink_http.exe with default settings, for all ports.) 

The firewall rule is called “WPS Link HTTP Server” or “Altair SLC Link HTTP Server”. In latest GA versions the version number is also included in the rule name (e.g. “Altair SLC Link HTTP Server 2025)” so eventually this problem will no longer arise. 
