What does the vovslavemgr command do? (NetworkComputer)

The NC slaves.tcl file stores the persistent configuration information used by the vovslavemgr command. The vovslavemgr list sub-command shows the names of the vovslaves configured therein, and also provides a handy way to check for syntax errors after editing the file.
However, changes to the file are not automatically propagated to running vovslaves connected to the NC vovserver. The vovslavemgr start and vovslavemgr stop sub-commands do that.
Vovslaves can also be started from /etc/init.d scripts or the command line. If the environment is set up correctly, vovslaves can connect and run jobs without being in the slaves.tcl file. For example, in $VOVDIR/etc/boot/rtda_zconf_vovslave, an /etc/init.d script embeds the configuration in the script itself, instead of using the config from slaves.tcl. If properly set up, this script may be dropped into the /etc/rcN.d directory of any machine, and that machine will connect to NC when booted, and run jobs without being in the NC slaves.tcl file.
Newer versions of the vovslavemgr have a subcommand, which brings the configuration of the running vovslaves in line with the current contents of the slaves.tcl file. It does not start or stop vovslaves, but it will update their resources, capacity and so on.