How does Altair Analytics Workbench handle character encodings and languages?

If there is an encoding problem where part or all of the special characters (accents, etc.) in a document are not correctly displayed in Workbench, it may be that the character set used to display them is not identical to that of your document. For example, if you open a UTF-8-encoded file when Workbench is set to ISO-8859-1 encoding, the "é" string appears in place of the "é" character.
If you do not wish to change the encoding of the original document, before reopening it in Workbench, you can do any of the following:
* Change the encoding preference for the workspace (for example, from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8).
* Modify the Properties for the project's encoding in Workbench.
* Modify the Properties for the file's encoding in Workbench.
The solutions are described in the user guide, but the top solution (which provides a global setting and is highly recommended) can be applied as follows:
1. Click the Window menu, and then click Preferences.
2. In the Preferences window, expand General and then click Workspace.
3. Select Other under Text file encoding at the bottom of the right-hand pane, and select the required encoding from the list.
3. Click OK to apply the change.
Note: You can type in the required encoding in the Other field if you do not see the required option in the drop-down list.
It is also recommended that you check that the LOCALE is set for your country so that data is handled correctly by the processing engine. To do this, ensure that the server is started and that the LOCALE displayed in the bottom right-hand corner of Workbench is set appropriately (e.g. to "fr-FR"). If not, do the following:
1. In the Server Explorer view, select the required server (local or remote).
2. Right-Click and in the shortcut menu select Properties. The Properties window is displayed.
3. In the Properties dialog box, expand Startup and then select System Options.
4. On the right side of the window, click Add. The Startup Option dialog box appears.
5. Click Select on the right of the Name field to see a list of available options.
6. Double-click the LOCALE option to display it in the Name field.
7. Enter the required Value for the locale, for example "fr_FR" and click OK.
8. Click OK at the bottom of the Properties window. You are prompted to restart the server to apply and verify your changes.