How do I upgrade to a new version of SLC Hub on Linux

How do I update a Linux SLC Hub installation?
Note that Altair SLC is installed on each of the hub's worker machines. You may also wish to upgrade Altair SLC at the same time - instructions are elsewhere.
Downtime should be scheduled with the end-users. SLC Hub will be stopped and started and any existing running jobs will be terminated.
Please note the new dependency in Hub 2024 on openssl3. This is required on RHEL8 machines for Hub and for Hub Worker.
If you don't have 'dnf' or 'yum' available then download: openssl3-libs-3.2.1-1.2.el8.x86_64.rpm (3.2.1 or later) also openssl3 itself.
Please note that openssl 1.1.1 does not need to be uninstalled and indeed some other software may depend on this version also being present.
Follow the instructions in the hubdoc documentation about shutting down hub-related processes before starting, i.e.:
- All Deployment API endpoints need to be deactivated.
- Deployment Services > Deployments > Select all Deployment API endpoints > Deactivate selected.
- (Check all pages in the Deployments list and in all Namespaces.)
- All Published Libraries need to be deactivated.
- Enterprise > Manage Published Libraries > Select all Published Libraries > Deactivate selected.
- (Check all pages in the Manage Published Libraries list and in all Namespaces.)
Stop services:
hubctl service stop
Use 'ps -ef | grep slc' to see if any processes have not been correctly terminated at this stage. Use killall to terminate them if you are happy to do so:
killall wpslibsw
killall wpsondmk
killall library-server
killall nomad
killall wpslink_httpx
killall procmonitor
killall wpsx
Optionally backup /opt/altair/slchub (particularly subdirectories var and etc within slchub). However localised files are expected to be preserved during the upgrade.
Proceed with the upgrade following the instructions in the 'hubdoc' web pages.
You may install the new version using dnf or yum, or use 'rpm -e' followed by 'rpm -i'. On the workers it is the smaller worker rpm.
hubctl bootstrap (and at sites where non-Altair certificates are being used internally by hub --skipInternalTls)
hubctl service start
hubctl service status
hubctl verify all
Use browser to access the hub portal and check everything is working as expected.