Frequency Response Optimization

Hi all;
I performed related tutorial and i would like to kindly ask about frf-displacement response
there are sum sub options related with that..such as rss,ssq can anyone give me details of those suboptions?
I want to minimizie displacement of my plate like structure for the first 3 modes..targeting volume constrained of one layer of this plate..
Does ssq or rss works for this purposes? As fara as i searched they are related with sum of squares of ( applicable for first 3 modes ? ) arguments etc..
Any idea?
Thank you..I am tryin gto use those options in my frequency response analysis.
I would like to kindly ask you to give me support in solution of folowing problem...I am having some error information from optistruct..
Currently i tried to build my direct frequency response analysis model ( simple cantilever beam model) used tool/unit freq response .. way and performed the analysis...It worked fine ..
Then i tried to build my topology optimization step having some nodal displacements as frf displacement response.
and also colume fraction of my design space as constraint.
When i choose objection function as min frf-disp under loadcase of Direct Frequency Response Analysis i had an error ( attached)
Then tried to use same methodology given in OS 2095 tutorial like having frf-disp as constrained with UB value and when i select again the load step as DFRA again had same error( Attached)
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Please try with min volume as objective & frf displacement as design constraint or any other recommended formulation attached in thumbnail.
I have attached thumbnail for commonly and suggested formulation for topology optimization mentioned Optistruct FAQ. Refer Optistruct user guide for detailed information.
Rahul R