How the UART T/RX send 8 byte data ?
Hi Team,
I tying to drive the stepper motor driver IC ( TMC2208) by using UART, according to spec rules I have to send out 8 byte and 16 bites (start & stop bite per byte) a total of 80 bites . But I have no idea how to set UART config in Embed, could anyone help me ? Thank you !
Hi Robbert,
You can use serial read/write and serial config blocks to send the data with required configuration. These blocks are present under each targets under Embedded Menu.
Looking at the sequence of the data you mentioned you can use the "case" block to send it sequentially.
For instance for TI target- F28069M I have attached the Embed diagram which send the data serially with the baudrate of 9600. You can replicate the same for your target.
On the other hand if you are using arduino libraries for motor driver IC then you can use extern blocks to reuse the code from the Arduino.
Examples on how to use arduino code in Embed can be found under Examples>>Embedded>>Arduino>>External library import.