Evaluating Structural Integrity: SimSolid Simulations of Wind Loads on Architectural Building

Altair Employee
edited October 2024 in Altair HyperWorks

In the design and analysis of structures like the Architectural building, understanding wind load scenarios is crucial for ensuring both performance and structural integrity. SimSolid proves to be a valuable tool in this evaluation process. Wind loads, generated by air movement around the building, have a significant impact on stability, control, and overall design. These loads can be divided into static loads, which remain constant during steady conditions, and dynamic loads, which arise from variations in wind speed or direction, such as gusts and turbulence. By utilizing SimSolid, engineers can conduct rapid simulations to assess these wind loads based on the tower's geometry and environmental conditions. This software allows for real-time evaluation of structural responses to wind forces, ensuring that materials and designs can endure both static and dynamic stresses without failure or deformation.  SimSolid also aids in analyzing the performance of control elements—such as facade structures—by simulating the impact of wind loads on their functionality and responsiveness. Compliance with safety regulations is streamlined through SimSolid, enabling the creation of designs that adhere to safety standards under varying environmental conditions. Ultimately, the application of SimSolid in wind load case analysis empowers engineers to validate their designs through efficient simulations, ensuring that the Agbar Tower can safely withstand anticipated wind conditions throughout its operational life while optimizing performance and safety.    







Figure 1. Architectural building

In structural analysis, wind load refers to the forces exerted on a building by wind, influenced by factors such as height and wind speed. These forces can considerably affect a structure's stability and integrity. SimSolid is vital for modeling wind loads, considering various parameters like wind speed, air density, direction, frictional drag, and shape factor. By incorporating these factors, SimSolid allows for precise evaluation of pressure on surfaces exposed to wind, facilitating accurate calculations of structural deflection.

A computer graphics of a buildingDescription automatically generated

Figure 2. Wind loads

A critical aspect of wind load analysis is the wind profile, with SimSolid offering two primary types: Uniform and Logarithmic. These profiles serve as mathematical models illustrating how wind speed varies with height above ground (H) within the atmospheric boundary layer, either maintaining a consistent distribution or increasing logarithmically.

A graph and a diagramDescription automatically generated with medium confidence

Figure 3. wind profiles: uniform wind load and logarithmic wind profile

The image depicts two wind profiles: uniform wind load and logarithmic wind profile. The former assumes constant wind speed throughout the structure's height, while the latter, more realistic, shows wind speed increasing with height. This is particularly relevant in urban areas and near obstacles. The logarithmic equation describes this relationship between wind speed and height. To establish a wind profile in SimSolid, begin by selecting the relevant structural analysis in the Project Tree for implementing the wind load boundary condition. Then, access the Analysis Workbench and choose the wind load option to create a wind profile using one of the available methods.

To set up a wind profile, start by selecting the structural analysis in the Project Tree, opening the Analysis Workbench. Choose either Structural Linear or Structural Non-linear. Click on the wind load option to access the Wind Load dialog. From there, select "Create profile" to establish your wind profile and confirm. Next, go to the Ground tab to set the origin of the wind load; you can either manually enter coordinates or drag the origin point in the modeling window. Optionally, define the wind direction and height axis in their respective tabs. Input values for air density, friction coefficient, and shape factor, which default to 1.2 kg/m³, 0.01, and 1, respectively. If you wish to shield certain areas from wind loads obstructed by other structures, check the Enable shielding option.

A blue and green tower with rainbow colored columnsDescription automatically generated with medium confidenceA blue tower model with columnsDescription automatically generated with medium confidence







Figure 4. VonMises and Displacement results with Architectural building












Figure 5. VonMises and Displacement results without Architectural building

The image presents the results of a structural analysis conducted using SIMSOLID software, comparing the impact of the Architectural building on a nearby structure. The analysis examines von Mises stress and displacement under wind loads. The results show that the Architectural building significantly influences the stress distribution and displacement of the adjacent structure, highlighting the importance of considering neighboring buildings in urban design.