Designing Concrete Structures using Integrated Concrete Design (ICD) in S-FRAME

Altair Employee

This webinar demonstrates how to easily use structural analysis results generated by S-FRAME to design the concrete structural elements (beams, columns, walls, slabs, and continuous beams in the structure). We show how to run performance assessments, optimize design groups, and generate concrete design reports using Integrated Concrete Design (ICD) in S-FRAME. This webinar walks through the following steps:
- Assign reinforced concrete sections to your model
- Define your model correctly to ensure that force transfer in the design process is representative of the real-world structure
- Use Wall and Strip Integration Lines and other S-FRAME post-processing tools to define loads as you design concrete members
- Use the S-CONCRETE Visual Editor
- Perform beam, column and wall section design, as well as longitudinal beam design
- Create engineering reports that document your design details