Webinar: Boosting Your GPU Performance in a Complex HPC Environment

SydneyF_21567 New Altair Community Member
edited February 2023 in Altair HPCWorks

Managing High Performance Computing (HPC) servers is not an easy task, and the addition of Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) often presents even more complexity to the configuration. As such, it’s typical for organizations to turn to optimization tools to boost the performance of this computational accelerators like GPUs. Case in point is the Information Technology Center, the oldest academic supercomputing center in Japan, at the University of Tokyo. To meet its growing demand for executing biology, biomechanics, biochemistry, and deep learning applications, the site invested in in NVIDIA Tesla P100 GPUs to increase utilization and productivity. Watch the webinar recording to learn how Altair in conjunction with NVIDIA collaborated to provide the University of Tokyo with a solution that effectively monitors its GPU use and provides enhanced workload power management capabilities within Altair PBS Professional.