Error doing shell for PhysicsAi

Muhammad Syafiq Baharuddin_20772
Muhammad Syafiq Baharuddin_20772 Altair Community Member
edited July 2023 in Community Q&A


[23:13:24] (INFO): ************************************************************************
[23:13:24] (INFO): **                                                                    **
[23:13:24] (INFO): **                                                                    **
[23:13:24] (INFO): **                     Altair PhysicsAI 2022.3.0.24                   **
[23:13:24] (INFO): **                                                                    **
[23:13:24] (INFO): **                 Advanced Machine Learning Software                 **
[23:13:24] (INFO): **                    from Altair Engineering, Inc.                   **
[23:13:24] (INFO): **                                                                    **
[23:13:24] (INFO): ** Build: 2514318                                                     **
[23:13:24] (INFO): ************************************************************************
[23:13:24] (INFO): **  COPYRIGHT (C) 1996-2020                 Altair Engineering, Inc.  **
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[23:13:24] (INFO): **         Contains trade secrets of Altair Engineering, Inc.         **
[23:13:24] (INFO): ** Decompilation or disassembly of this software strictly prohibited. **
[23:13:24] (INFO): ************************************************************************
[23:13:24] (INFO): 
[23:13:24] (INFO): --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[23:13:24] (INFO):   1. Building features and labels
[23:13:24] (INFO): --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[23:13:24] (ERROR): No valid elements in file: D:/SyfqBaha/PhysicsAi/Cyclinder/cylinder49.h3d. Only shell elements are supported.

I encountered an error while using Altair PhysicsAI 2022.3.0.24 from Altair Engineering, Inc. during model training process. The error message states: "No valid elements in file: D:/SyfqBaha/PhysicsAi/Cyclinder/cylinder49.h3d. Only shell elements are supported."

The software that i used to build the shell is using altair inspire and the steps are:

1. sketch circle diameter 100mm

2. extrude then select surface 200mm

3. at property editor change the thickness into 5mm

4. apply force and support

5. run analysis

6. extract h3d file

I'm unsure about the cause of this error and how to resolve it. Has anyone else experienced a similar issue with Altair PhysicsAI? Are there any suggestions or workarounds to overcome this problem? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!

Best Answer

  • Adriano_Koga
    Altair Employee
    edited July 2023 Answer ✓

    I believe the issue here is the usage of 2nd order shell mesh.

    In Inspire, you have probably  created the model using the 'more accurate' option, which is 2nd order model.

    Instead, try using 1st order (faster) models to train your model.


  • Adriano_Koga
    Altair Employee
    edited July 2023 Answer ✓

    I believe the issue here is the usage of 2nd order shell mesh.

    In Inspire, you have probably  created the model using the 'more accurate' option, which is 2nd order model.

    Instead, try using 1st order (faster) models to train your model.

  • Muhammad Syafiq Baharuddin_20772
    Muhammad Syafiq Baharuddin_20772 Altair Community Member
    edited July 2023

    I believe the issue here is the usage of 2nd order shell mesh.

    In Inspire, you have probably  created the model using the 'more accurate' option, which is 2nd order model.

    Instead, try using 1st order (faster) models to train your model.

    Thank you for your solution, however I'm not sure I understand the theory behind it.

    What is 1st order (faster) models and 2nd order model (accurate) and how this option can effect on the h3d file?

  • Adriano_Koga
    Altair Employee
    edited July 2023

    Thank you for your solution, however I'm not sure I understand the theory behind it.

    What is 1st order (faster) models and 2nd order model (accurate) and how this option can effect on the h3d file?

    I mean, when you create your model in Inspire, you can choose betewen first order or second order elements. 1st order are the most common, and 2nd order are more accurate but computationally costier.

    PhysicsAI supports for now, only 1st order shell elements, apparently, so that if you try other element types than that, it will not recognize them into your H3D file.

    Probably in future versions this might change.