Suspension modelling in optistruct for static load analysis

I am trying to model a bus with suspension for static load cases involving enforced displacement at wheels and gravity. I have modelled the control arms and various links with CBEAM element and assigned an approximate cross-section with respect to the physical shapes.Weight adjustment for various links is done by using CONM2 element. Bushings are modelled with CBUSH elements . Spring is modelled with CBUSH and given property of PBUSHT . How to provide the spring curve in the TABLED1 format for PBUSHT. Any sample curve if available kindly provide and also let me know about the approach of modelling being selected here.
Thank you.
PFA sample for same.
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Hi Rahul,
Thank you for the file.
It follows the curve of both tension and compression with mean position in between and will try the same.
When I am checking my results I am getting my components identified by properties and not by the component names in hyperview. Is there any setting issue or something.
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Could you tell the file format which you are loading in Hyperview?
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I am loading .h3d file.
Also in PBUSHT property where we can give a curve for Force-Deflection of spring. For curve I have referred it to kN line. Since we have to simultaneously provide the K values in PBUSH card also which value does it take for a linear static analysis. On changing those values like making it rigid or by making it zero in all directions, I am seeing drastic changes in results. I have a non-linear curve and want the software use only that and not anything else. How should I define it to achieve in optistruct.
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Resolved your query in below post.