Running radioss on more than one compute node of linux cluster

gopal_rathore Altair Community Member
edited 2020 04 in Community Q&A

Hello Everyone,

I am trying to run a radioss simulation over two compute nodes of a linux cluster, but was facing error issues in the same. I was using the ./radioss -gui option to open the solver manger and then providing the input for the solver. On single node, I was able to run the same but not on more than one node.

Kindly provide your valuable inputs for the same.




  • Altair Forum User
    Altair Forum User
    Altair Employee
    edited 2015 22

    Have a look at SPMD mode by doing the following command:

     radioss -h


  • gopal_rathore
    gopal_rathore Altair Community Member
    edited 2015 27


    The problem has been resolved on using the combined commands for -np and -nt where np is the number of host or compute nodes and -nt is the number of cores for each host node. This along with a suitable mpi of the cluster it works fine.