Setting up Multi-Factor Authentication

Altair Employee
edited July 15 in Altair HyperWorks

MFA Setup

 Select required Multi Factor Authentication for Extra Verification for your Altair One account.

One or Multiple Authentications can be set from the below list.

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  1. Password:

Using this option, the user can re-set their Altair One password.

  • Click On Reset
  • Then Click on Yes when the below window opens.

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  • Verify the existing password in the below window.

A screenshot of a login screenDescription automatically generated


  • A verification email will be sent to the registered account after clicking on ‘Send me an email’.


A screenshot of a emailDescription automatically generated

  • Click on Verify Email address.

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  • Then Provide a New Password adhering to all the below Password Requirements and click on Reset Password


A screenshot of a login screenDescription automatically generated

  • You can select on Sign me out of all other devices if you want log out of all the devices you are signed into.


  1. Okta Verify


  • Click On Set Up and then Verify using Email Verification or Password

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  • Once verification is done, it might open a New Tab and the below Window will pop up. Here click on Setup

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  • Follow the Settings as mentioned below on your mobile.

A screenshot of a qr codeDescription automatically generated



  • Once Installed Select (Organization) or (Other) Option Under Chose Account type and scan the QR code presented on the Screen from the Okta app.
  • On your phone you would be asked ‘Enable Biometric Connection?’ – Click Enable
  • You will receive an Account Added Message. Click on Done.
  • will be added to your account.
  • When accessing your Altair One account, upon prompt for Okta verify, you will have to provide the one time password shown in your Okta account under



  1. Security Key or Biometric Authenticator:



image            image


  • In the below pop up click on OK. This message changes according to the browser you are using.

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  • Click on OK again


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  • You would be asked to create a Passkey

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Use phone with a QR Code



  • Once you Scan with a QR Code scanner on your phone, You get an Option asking Connect With QR Code?
  • Click Allow.
  • It loads saying ‘Connecting to Device’ after which the phone needs to be unlocked using Screen Lock.
  • Then Add your Mobile to the List.
  • When accessing your Altair One account, upon prompt for Security or Biometric Authenticator, you will have to Select your mobile from the list.

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  • The below notification will pop up. This will connect to your mobile and you will have to unlock your device.

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  1. Google Authenticator:

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  • Once the Google Authenticator App is downloaded, Click on Set Up you account.
  • Choose Scan a QR Code and from the app scan the QR code shown on the Setup Google Authenticator Window.

A screenshot of a qr codeDescription automatically generated






  • On Scanning it shows Account Added on the phone with a code.
  • Click on Add Account
  • Enter the code displayed on phone screen in the Google authenticator Window.




  • will be added to your account.
  • When accessing your Altair One account, upon prompt for Google Authenticator, you will have to provide the one time password shown in your Okta account under

Please Note: Security Question is usually set up while registering on Altair One as a first step of extra verification. It is suggested to have it enabled at all time. Please make sure to remember the answer. It is very much essential to recover a forgotten password.