Negative hardening parameter in NLSTAT thermal analysis

I am working on a NLSTAT thermal analysis where I have a temperature dependent material properties (at two temperature conditions)
Used the foll. material cards:
1) MAT1 , MATS1
Used TABLSE S1 along with TABLE ST FOR Stress-Plastic strain curve and temperature value
Facing the foll. error now
*** ERROR # 3017 ***
Negative hardening parameter H = -22964.325723 found.
Negative value of H violates Drucker's stability postulate.
This error prevents further computations and must be corrected.
During the nonlinear iterative solving process, the temperature loading is applied incrementally just as other loadings. As the temperature changes, the stress-strain curves will change as well. So it is possible that the negative H happens in the curve generated at the final iteration. I would suggest to check the data input carefully in HM to make sure all the data curves are correctly input.
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I have got temperature mapped on the nodes of the mesh and are in the range of 550K -599 K.To consider this temperature values , I have ,made two stress-strain curves i.e one at 373 and second at 573
Order in TABLEST is 373 K and then 573 K
Does the solver goes for linear interpolation between tow temperature values?
let me know if there is any ambiguity in the table
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