Error during import the model in acuconsole

Dear All,
I have been working in CFD analysis in valves
I have meshed the model using CFD tetramesh using hypermesh and exported the model as .inp file and while exporting i got the warnings in hypermesh.
while importing in acuconsole the following error occurs
kindly provide your guidelines
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
How did you generate the volume mesh in HyperMesh? It seems that the mesh is not conform(probably at interface?)
Is it possible to upload the HM file?
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Dear Sir,
I have generated the volume mesh using the steps in this tutorial CFD-1000: Creating a Hybrid Grid using the CFD Mesh Panel in hypermesh
I got error while exporting the model to acusolve then i followed the steps in this forum
by this i exported my model as .inp file.
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Generally those steps should work well. Unfortunately, it would be tough to find errors in your HM file, without looking at it. I would suggest either upload it or ask your local Altair Support team.
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Dear Sir,
my problem get solved by exporting the modal as .cas file and imported in Acusolve
Thanks for your support
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Let me explain my Problem.
I have two geometries (say A and B ) I created mesh individually for both of them in ICEM. Then in ICEM, I brought both meshes together and saved the .uns file.
I read it in AcuConsole and it showed me the Mesh.
While converting the Mesh to Discrete Geometry, I got the following error.
ACUSIM: There are <20218> intersections in the input mesh
ACUSIM: *** ASSERTION in Function <agsGetNumSimRegions> File <agsUtils.cpp> Line <1375>
ACUSIM: *** Simulation model is nullI have tried almost everything, but I dont quite understand why the Mesh is read correctly and why while converting to Discrete Geometry, it gives and error.
Any help on this would be very appreciated.
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It is advisable to import direct geometry (Parasolid, ACIS etc Formats) in AcuConsole if you want to mesh with AcuConsole.
If you already have a volume mesh from ICEM (or HyperMesh), why would you want to convert it discrete geometry?
TIP: If you have two geometries, one of the methods which generally works well is to import them in solidThinking Inspire and export as a Parasolid file (that can be imported/meshed in AcuConsole).