Error during import the model in acuconsole

RAMGANESH Altair Community Member
edited 2020 04 in Community Q&A

Dear All,


I have been working in CFD analysis in valves 


I have meshed the model using CFD tetramesh using hypermesh and exported the model as .inp file and while exporting i got the warnings in hypermesh.


while importing in acuconsole the following error occurs 


kindly provide your guidelines





<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>post-34029-0-59963900-1432790654_thumb.p

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>post-34029-0-12479400-1432790660_thumb.p

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>post-34029-0-91948100-1432790702_thumb.p



  • ydigit
    Altair Employee
    edited 2015 28

    How did you generate the volume mesh in HyperMesh? It seems that the mesh is not conform(probably at interface?)

    Is it possible to upload the HM file?

    RAMGANESH Altair Community Member
    edited 2015 29

    Dear Sir,


    I have generated the volume mesh using the steps in this tutorial       CFD-1000: Creating a Hybrid Grid using the CFD Mesh Panel in hypermesh


    I got error while exporting the model to acusolve then i followed the steps in this forum


    by this i exported my model as .inp file.







  • ydigit
    Altair Employee
    edited 2015 29

    Generally those steps should work well. Unfortunately, it would be tough to find errors in your HM file, without looking at it. I would suggest either upload it or ask your local Altair Support team.

    RAMGANESH Altair Community Member
    edited 2015 30

    Dear Sir,


    my problem get solved by exporting the modal as .cas file and imported in Acusolve


    Thanks for your support



  • Altair Forum User
    Altair Forum User
    Altair Employee
    edited 2015 30



    Let me explain my Problem.


    I have two geometries (say A and B ) I created mesh individually for both of them in ICEM. Then in ICEM, I brought both meshes together and saved the .uns file.


    I read it in AcuConsole and it showed me the Mesh.


    While converting the Mesh to Discrete Geometry, I got the following error.


    ACUSIM: There are <20218> intersections in the input mesh

    ACUSIM: *** ASSERTION in Function <agsGetNumSimRegions> File <agsUtils.cpp> Line <1375>
    ACUSIM: *** Simulation model is null


    I have tried almost everything, but I dont quite understand why the Mesh is read correctly and why while converting to Discrete Geometry, it gives and error.


    Any help on this would be very appreciated.




  • ydigit
    Altair Employee
    edited 2015 30

    It is advisable to import direct geometry (Parasolid, ACIS etc Formats) in AcuConsole if you want to mesh with AcuConsole.

    If you already have a volume mesh from ICEM (or HyperMesh), why would you want to convert it discrete geometry? 


    TIP: If you have two geometries, one of the methods which generally works well is to import them in solidThinking Inspire and export as a Parasolid file (that can be imported/meshed in AcuConsole).