In order to check the spline curve definition, you can display the B(H) curve in Flux using the command New B(H) 2D curve (Material).
Then, you can export this curve in Excel in order to compute the slope (differential permeability).
You can also use the macro BHSplinetoexcel.PFM allowing to export B(H) curve to Excel and to compute the slope.
This macro is provided with Flux and is available in C:\Altair\Extensions\Macros.
The procedure of use is described below :
1 | Load the macro BHSplinetoexcel.PFM in the project
2 | Run the macro. In the displayed window you have to select the material which curve you want to export and to click on « Ok ». An excel file with the name of the material is created in the working directory.
3 | Open the exported file in Excel and display B(H) and µdiff(H) curves. Check if the requirements for spline curve definition are respected.