Inspire Workflow: Structural Analysis + Topology Optimization + Implicit Modeling

Altair Employee
edited August 2024 in Altair HyperWorks

The main objective of this article is to show the workflow involved in simulating, optimizing and modifying a part using the different tools and capabilities of Inspire. It means that the structural analysis is realized to confirm the performance followed by a topology optimization. In addition, the way to create a lattice structure and how it can be combined within the previous steps.

Initially, a structural analysis is carried out to confirm the baseline performance and validate that the behavior is as expected given the boundary conditions and loads. It’s important to notice that this first analysis was run using OptiStruct as the solver in Inspire.

Additionally, it is possible to visualize that the main part of the assembly is divided. These parts are going to be used to apply topology optimization as well as to add a lattice structure.

 The following step is to run a topology optimization. For this one a design space was declared in one of the internal parts of the model. As a recommendation, all the Loads and Boundary Conditions should be applied in the non-design space. In this way, A symmetry plane and a manufacturing constrain (Split Draw) is used in this part. The Split Draw simulates a demolding in 2 directions. As a reminder, OptiStruct must be used when running any type of optimization in Inspire.

Then, a new structural analysis using OptiStruct is performed after getting results from the topology optimization in order to evaluate the behavior of the component under the load given but taking into account the resultant shape generated by the optimization.

This new shape can be selected and converted as a PolyNURB. The purpose of this step is to generate an organic and smoothed geometry as a result of the optimization and reduction of material. The video shows the automatic way to create a PolyNURB by adjusting the parameters to obtain a smoothed geometry. This one is combined through a Boolean operation with the rest of the model to make it one single piece.

Apart from that, there is an extra section in the model which will be set a planar lattice structure using the Implicit Modeling tools. As shown in the video, the lattice cell type can be modified, as well as its size and direction. In the same way, the quality resolution can be increased or decreased.

The next step is to create the Boolean operations necessary to combine the planar lattice and the remaining part with the rest of the model to have a single model.  

As can be observed, a close up shows that a mesh has been created in this new model after the Combine operation. This means that the lattice is no longer just an implicit model, and it is now possible to do some analysis including it.

Finally, a structural analysis is done in the new model which includes the optimized and the lattice parts. To achieve this is necessary to switch the solver and use SimSolid. This step is required because SimSolid is a meshless technology and it is good practice when running analyses on models that include lattices.

To sum up, this workflow is an example of the use of the different tools and capabilities that Inspire has such as the structural analysis run using OptiStuct and SimSolid and in which cases both are used. Besides, the video shows the steps to perform a topology optimization and how to convert the results into a PolyNURB. Moreover, a planar lattice is created and how this implicit model can be incorporated into the workflow to be structurally analyzed. After all these steps the model can be saved as a new CAD file with the desired extension such as Parasolid, STEP, STL, among others.

Questions about this workflow? Feel free to contact us for further support.



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