Sulis Demo Models

Here are four demo models to help you get the most out of Sulis. Please download the zip file and then follow the instructions below.
Usage/Installation Instructions
Demo 1: Gyroid Heat Exchanger
This demo file provides a method to create a manifold gyroid heat exchanger and contains two imported STEP bodies. The first body represents the internal core of the heat exchanger. This body will have a double skin gyroid problem component attached to it and two offset surface problem components used to create the manifolding. To recreate this design from scratch, follow along to this tutorial video. To export the entire object for printing, you will need to add a solid problem component to the second imported body.
Demo 2: Lattice Disk
This problem file helps you design a lattice sample disk. There are 5 STEP files with different lattice definitions which you can modify to explore the capabilities of Sulis. Some lattices have cartesian coordinate systems and others have cylindrical coordinate systems.
To avoid a singularity at the centre, we've added a cylindrical model with a solid problem component. The offset solid problem component is used to separate the segments of the cylinder and create a solid section on the outside. You can modify the thickness of the solid section by modifying the offset distance.
Demo 3: Robot End Effector
This problem file contains a definition required to design a robot end-effector. The file contains a series of imported STEP files including the suction cups and platform for the moveable objects. The flowpaths are then created using Sulis Flow. The fluid channels can be manipulated by editing their properties in the edit node and edit flow path panels. The flowpaths can be exported as STEP files from the export panel.
Demo 4: Strut Heat Exchanger
This problem file demonstrates the use of Sulis AM-Pro to create a heat exchanger that combines a hollow lattice core with combined flow path inlets. The fluid channels are designed to be self-supporting during printing, however, you can scale up the exported mesh file to create a larger part or increase the channel diameter.
An external outer model has a solid problem component on it, however, 50% of the external struts are visible to highlight the internals of the heat exchanger. We recommend generating this structure at a resolution between 0.1-0.2 and to add a single smoothing step using the Gaussian option. Check the decimate box and export as .3MF to minimise the file size.