Bird strike example

Vuk Blagojević
Vuk Blagojević Altair Community Member
edited February 2 in Community Q&A

Hello, I am doing this example

However, I am stuck on the following step:

The loads and boundary conditions for the model are created now. From Utility Menu, select BCs Manager. Provide a name for the load collector and select type as Boundary Condition. From the selector choose nodes and select the master node of the rigid body created. Fix all the degrees of freedom and click create

I am using 2021.2 and I can not find this? One additional question: why in every release things are moved around? It is a little frustrating. Also, the option to find some pannels is not working that good. Thank you.


  • Adriano_Koga
    Altair Employee
    edited January 30

    you could use for this the 'solver browser'.

    Activate it in View>>Solver Browser

    This tutorial was created for 2017 from there there were a lot of changes.

    Most of the model setup is now defined thorugh the solver browser for Radioss.


  • Vuk Blagojević
    Vuk Blagojević Altair Community Member
    edited February 2

    you could use for this the 'solver browser'.

    Activate it in View>>Solver Browser

    This tutorial was created for 2017 from there there were a lot of changes.

    Most of the model setup is now defined thorugh the solver browser for Radioss.


    Hello, I did it in the solver browser, but when I try to run it, I get a message that my rigid elements have no material and property. The error is 178 and 179. How can I fix this? Thanks

  • Adriano_Koga
    Altair Employee
    edited February 2

    Hello, I did it in the solver browser, but when I try to run it, I get a message that my rigid elements have no material and property. The error is 178 and 179. How can I fix this? Thanks

    rigid elements doesn't need property and material, as far as I know.

    Have you tried using Model Checker? It would help you to find the common errors in your model