S-Frame Finite Element Results

Kendrick Altair Community Member
edited August 2024 in Community Q&A


I have this S-frame model in which I couldn't rationalize the results.

I ran two analysis types: Linear Static and P-Delta.

In my model, I have fixed the base, and applied a downward uniform pressure load everywhere.

The linear static model provided reasonable / understandable results, but when I ran P-delta analysis, the results become confusing.

I'm not sure why this is happening.

I can send my model as well if required.



  • Alejandro_López_Av
    Altair Employee
    edited August 2024

    Hello, Kendrick,


    Thank you for reaching out to us. We understand and we'd like to review your file more in depth. For this, we'd like to ask you to open a ticket, following the link: https://community.altair.com/csm?id=get_customer_support 

    We'll review your case and provide a suggestion about what could be causing the unwanted behavior.



    Alejandro Lopez

    Altair Support