Symmetric Spot Weld Search Tool
Generally in most of the Automotive models Spot welds are symmetrically modeled and due to nature of many symmetric parts connected with each other. These are either carefully created by Designers or CAE Engineers with correct tolerances and thickness. But due to their huge number it becomes very difficult to perform a sanity check and validate them symmetrically. The objective of this tool is to provide the user to pick spot welds on any one side of the symmetric plane of the vehicle and the tool will search and find its symmetric pair on the other side for the provided tolerances. It checks for the location and number of links of these symmetric pair and will flag any discrepancies if found in the vehicle. Later the user can look and isolate those spot welds and correct them easily.
Usage/Installation Instructions
Please read the attached document for tool usage.
Tested on HM-Nastran interface only…