Feconfig file for Abaqus COUP_KIN fasteners

Michael Herve_21439
Michael Herve_21439
Altair Employee
edited May 22 in Altair Exchange


This feconfig file provides the configurations to get fastener realized with Abaqus COUP_KIN instead of KIN_COUP

Usage/Installation Instructions

copy this feconfig.cfg in your HyperMesh start-in directory (By default My Documents), then open HyperMesh again


If you load the file as is, you will have access to both kin_coup and coup_kin realizations in HyperMesh.
If you want just want to overwrite the kin_coup representations, open the feconfig.cfg. Each representation has a unique identifier right after the string CFG abaqus:

CFG abaqus 98 hinge coupkin (b31)
*filter bolt
*style bolt 0
rigidlink 9 12
*body 0
bar2 9 1 dofs=4


To overwrite the existing representations, please remove the first digit of each representation identifier (the 9 on prefix), then save again the feconfig file.