Online Flux Training Sessions

Altair Employee
edited March 2021 in Altair HyperWorks

Flux is a finite element analysis tool for low frequency magnetic and electric fields. In addition, Flux solves thermal conduction problems. Rigid body motion is included in Flux (rotating, translating or pivoting motions). External circuit connections make Flux the tool for electromechanical design including the power supply. 

This training is aiming at learning the use of Flux in order to be able to analyze an electromagnetic device in 2D or in 3D. Mainly dedicated for the beginners with Flux. At the end of the training, you will be able to create your geometry, to define material characteristics to represent electrical circuits. Numerous classical analysis will be presented on known cases based on electric motors and actuators examples available from the supervisor.

This training is the first one of a series of three. They are dedicated to the following topics in the given order:

  1. Geometry and Mesh
  2. Physics (Magnetic Application)
  3. Solving and Post Processing

It is recommended to participate in all three trainings, but it is not mandatory.


Knowledge of the Finite Elements method and knowledge of theoretical aspects of electromagnetism. Flux installed with a valid license.




  • Wahbi Ben Ismail
    Wahbi Ben Ismail Altair Community Member
    edited June 2023


    Thank you for this interesting training.

    Please, there is a record of this online training sessions ?

    Thank you.

  • fzidat
    Altair Employee
    edited June 2023

    Hello Wahib;


    Thanks for your kind comment !


    Our online training are not recorded, however, there are other online sessions, please have a look on the training calendar, you may found other inersting session that can answer your need.


