Concrete Design for Sustainability using GFRP Reinforcement

Altair Employee
edited February 2023 in Altair HyperWorks

Concrete Design for Sustainability using GFRP Reinforcement

Live Webinar: February 23, 2023 | 2:00 pm Eastern Time


Join us to learn about GFRP reinforced concrete, its benefits, and its applications. 

Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP), an alternative reinforcement material, can extend a concrete structure's lifespan due to its corrosion-resistance properties. Compared to traditional steel reinforcement, GFRP rebar is lighter, stronger, and electromagnetically inert. Some GFRP products such as MST‑BAR can provide higher bond strength compared to steel reinforcement.

This joint Altair‑MST Rebar webinar includes an introduction to GFRP reinforcement by Alireza Asadian of MST Rebar, who brings both GFRP industry experience and Altair S‑CONCRETE design knowledge. We'll follow with a continuous concrete beam example showing the steps needed to perform an analysis and design according to the recently released ACI 440‑11.22 codes for GFRP design, now supported in Altair S‑CONCRETE.



