HyperStudy Tips and Tricks: #30 - Registering ABAQUS as a Solver in HyperStudy

Altair Employee
edited June 2024 in Altair HyperWorks

Registering ABAQUS as a Solver in HyperStudy

Any solver which can be executed in a batch mode can be integrated with HyperStudy either using the  solver executable directly or by creating a batch script. The selection of choosing the method (solver executable directly or a batch script) depends on the non-HyperWorks solver involved.

In this blog, we will focus on the process of integrating ABAQUS solver with HyperStudy using the ‘batch script’ method.

Step 1: Creating an ABAQUS batch script for the batch mode execution:

  • A batch script needs to be created using the correct ABAQUS solver executable path & valid solver input arguments that would be required for the solving.
  • Note : If the process for creating such a batch script for ABAQUS is not known, then, kindly check with ABAQUS on 'executing ABAQUS in a batch mode' as we can only provide some generic templates for the same.
  • Examples of sample ABAQUS batch scripts: Copy one of following commands in a .txt file (depending on the ABAQUS solver version) & save the text file as a batch file (.bat).

Sample ABAQUS batch script 1:

Call “C: \SIMULIA\CAE__________.exe” job=DOE_abaqus.inp input=%1 interactive %*

Sample ABAQUS batch script 2:

Call “C:\SIMULIA\Commands\abq2021” job= DOE_abaqus.inp input=%1 interactive

Step 2: Executing/Testing the ABAQUS batch script from the Windows Command Line/PowerShell:

  • This specific ABAQUS batch script created needs to be tested first & thus, for the same, execute the script from the Windows Command Line/PowerShell with no errors.
  • Note: if there are any errors related to the ABAQUS execution, kindly check with  ABAQUS on the solver executable selected, its folder path & mentioned/required solver input arguments (such as number of CPU’s, scratch directory etc.) in that batch script.

Step 3: Integrating working ABAQUS batch script in HyperStudy:

  • Once the specific ABAQUS batch script gets executed from the Windows Command Line/PowerShell (with no errors), you can integrate this batch script in HyperStudy.
  • As a first step, copy the ABAQUS batch script in the selected HyperStudy setup folder. This is a pre-requisite step.
  • Then, integrate this batch script in HyperStudy using the process mentioned below.
  1. In HyperStudy, click on 'Edit>Register Solver Script' to open the Register Solver Script window.image
  2. Then, click on ‘Add Solver Script’ to add ‘Other Application’ script option (as shown below).imageimage
  3. Edit the Label as ‘ABAQUS’ & select the ABAQUS batch script from the selected HyperStudy setup folder (as shown below).image
  4. Then, add a HyperMesh/Parametrized File Model in HyperStudy & select the ‘Solver Execution Script’ as ‘ABAQUS’ & edit the ‘Solver Input Arguments’ as ${basename} (as shown below).image

Note : This is the basic ABAQUS batch script which executes the filename mentioned from the designated folder & checking with ABAQUS is required if any specific solver input arguments such as scratch folder, number of CPU’s etc. needs to be added to this script.