HyperStudy Tips and Tricks: #30 - Registering ABAQUS as a Solver in HyperStudy
Registering ABAQUS as a Solver in HyperStudy
Any solver which can be executed in a batch mode can be integrated with HyperStudy either using the solver executable directly or by creating a batch script. The selection of choosing the method (solver executable directly or a batch script) depends on the non-HyperWorks solver involved.
In this blog, we will focus on the process of integrating ABAQUS solver with HyperStudy using the ‘batch script’ method.
Step 1: Creating an ABAQUS batch script for the batch mode execution:
- A batch script needs to be created using the correct ABAQUS solver executable path & valid solver input arguments that would be required for the solving.
- Note : If the process for creating such a batch script for ABAQUS is not known, then, kindly check with ABAQUS on 'executing ABAQUS in a batch mode' as we can only provide some generic templates for the same.
- Examples of sample ABAQUS batch scripts: Copy one of following commands in a .txt file (depending on the ABAQUS solver version) & save the text file as a batch file (.bat).
Sample ABAQUS batch script 1:
Call “C: \SIMULIA\CAE__________.exe” job=DOE_abaqus.inp input=%1 interactive %*
Sample ABAQUS batch script 2:
Call “C:\SIMULIA\Commands\abq2021” job= DOE_abaqus.inp input=%1 interactive
Step 2: Executing/Testing the ABAQUS batch script from the Windows Command Line/PowerShell:
- This specific ABAQUS batch script created needs to be tested first & thus, for the same, execute the script from the Windows Command Line/PowerShell with no errors.
- Note: if there are any errors related to the ABAQUS execution, kindly check with ABAQUS on the solver executable selected, its folder path & mentioned/required solver input arguments (such as number of CPU’s, scratch directory etc.) in that batch script.
Step 3: Integrating working ABAQUS batch script in HyperStudy:
- Once the specific ABAQUS batch script gets executed from the Windows Command Line/PowerShell (with no errors), you can integrate this batch script in HyperStudy.
- As a first step, copy the ABAQUS batch script in the selected HyperStudy setup folder. This is a pre-requisite step.
- Then, integrate this batch script in HyperStudy using the process mentioned below.
- In HyperStudy, click on 'Edit>Register Solver Script' to open the Register Solver Script window.
- Then, click on ‘Add Solver Script’ to add ‘Other Application’ script option (as shown below).
- Edit the Label as ‘ABAQUS’ & select the ABAQUS batch script from the selected HyperStudy setup folder (as shown below).
- Then, add a HyperMesh/Parametrized File Model in HyperStudy & select the ‘Solver Execution Script’ as ‘ABAQUS’ & edit the ‘Solver Input Arguments’ as ${basename} (as shown below).
Note : This is the basic ABAQUS batch script which executes the filename mentioned from the designated folder & checking with ABAQUS is required if any specific solver input arguments such as scratch folder, number of CPU’s etc. needs to be added to this script.