Introducing MotionSolve Jupyter Notebook
The Python-based API of MotionSolve has undergone significant enhancements over the years, allowing for live interaction with the solver. In the conventional approach, users typically depended on input decks, submitting files to a solver for offline runs. With the upgraded MotionSolve API, users now have the option of direct interaction with the solver via command window or terminal, presenting a viable online alternative.
Taking a significant stride forward, the HyperWorks 2022.3 release brought forth MotionSolve Jupyter Notebook, redefining user interaction with a Multibody Solver. Jupyter Notebook, a web-based application for creating and sharing computational documents, has been extended with the MotionSolve Python-based API. This integration transforms the notebook into a user-friendly, command-based environment for conducting MotionSolve simulations. Within this interface, users can script models, execute Multibody System simulations, and analyze results. Notably, these notebooks offer customization options, allowing users to add decorations and documentation, thereby functioning as dynamic reports.
Moreover, the MotionSolve Jupyter Notebook extends its versatility by allowing models to be imported from Inspire/Motion or MotionView. This feature empowers users to construct MotionSolve models using their preferred UI and subsequently make modifications within Jupyter. Users can enhance models with descriptions, custom plots, and animations, thereby offering a more flexible and customized experience. Also, Jupyter Notebook provides the ability for advanced users to develop custom applications, simplifying the complexities of Multibody simulations for more novice users.
For guidance, a user and reference guide for the MotionSolve API can be found here. There is also a collection of API tutorials in the form of Jupyter notebooks, providing step-by-step instructions for using the API. These notebooks serve as a practical introduction to the MotionSolve API due to their interactive nature.
You can directly create a MotionSolve Jupyter Notebook session from the Start Menu in Windows or by invoking the respective script in Linux. After invoking the first Jupyter session the tutorials are being placed under:
- Windows: C:\Users\{USER_NAME}\Documents\Altair\MotionSolveNotebooks\demos
- Linux: /home/{USER_NAME}/Documents/MotionSolveNotebooks/demos
The tutorials can also be found in your Altair installation folder:
- {ALTAIR_INSTALL_PATH}\hwsolvers\demos\motionsolve\jupyter