Editor extension for a better representation of *.fem files

Ali_Varli Altair Community Member
edited March 2024 in Altair HyperWorks
  1. Install Geany and Geany Plugins (https://www.geany.org/download/releases/)
  2. Start Geany
  3. Activate the Lua plugin: Tools > Plugins Manager > Lua Script
  4. Press Preferences and copy the path
  5. Create a file in the path with the name "activated.lua"
  6. Copy the code below into this file


if (geany.fileinfo ().ext == ".fem" or geany.fileinfo ().ext == ".dat") then     -- set multiple column marker mode     geany.scintilla ("SCI_SETEDGEMODE", 3, 3)      -- clear current markers     geany.scintilla ("SCI_MULTIEDGECLEARALL", 0, 0)      -- add new column markers, colors are in BGR order     geany.scintilla ("SCI_MULTIEDGEADDLINE",  8, 0xD8D8D8)     geany.scintilla ("SCI_MULTIEDGEADDLINE", 16, 0xD8D8D8)     geany.scintilla ("SCI_MULTIEDGEADDLINE", 24, 0xD8D8D8)     geany.scintilla ("SCI_MULTIEDGEADDLINE", 32, 0xD8D8D8)     geany.scintilla ("SCI_MULTIEDGEADDLINE", 40, 0xD8D8D8)     geany.scintilla ("SCI_MULTIEDGEADDLINE", 48, 0xD8D8D8)     geany.scintilla ("SCI_MULTIEDGEADDLINE", 56, 0xD8D8D8)     geany.scintilla ("SCI_MULTIEDGEADDLINE", 64, 0xD8D8D8)     geany.scintilla ("SCI_MULTIEDGEADDLINE", 72, 0xD8D8D8)     geany.scintilla ("SCI_MULTIEDGEADDLINE", 80, 0xD8D8D8) end

An example:
