S-FRAME 2024 Release Highlights

Altair Employee
edited May 2024 in Altair HyperWorks

Integration of S-FRAME with S-CONCRETE's Multistory Designer (MSD)

S-FRAME now can export model data to facilitate full model concrete section design using the Multistory Designer (MSD) utility in S-CONCRETE.  This allows users to seamlessly transfer section data, loads, and more for their entire concrete structure, while efficiently performing high level concrete design checks, applying preliminary reinforcement, and then refining their designs and producing detailed Engineering Design Documentation.

NBCC 2020 Wind Load Generator for Enclosed Structures in S-FRAME

S-FRAME users can now automatically generate wind loads on enclosed structures according to NBCC 2020 specifications.  This is in addition to the pre-existing support for Wind Loading to ASCE 7-22 specifications, and Seismic Load generators to NBCC 2020 and ASCE 7 provisions.

Custom Panel Edge Connections in S-TIMBER

S-TIMBER now allows users to control the connection of panel edges to their adjacent panels and beams.  This can facilitate accurate load transfer for CLT panels, and other panel types.  User can specify panel edge connections as:

  • Detatched
  • Pinned
  • Rigid
  • Customer (user controls which DOF's are constrained)

Wind Load Generation for ASCE 7-22 and NBCC 2020 Codes in S-TIMBER

S-TIMBER now allows users to automatically generate wind loads on their model as per the latest American (ASCE 7-22) and Canadian (NBCC 2020) building codes.


Seismic Steel Design per AISC 341-22 and AISC 360-22 Provisions in S-FRAME

S-FRAME has added support for AISC 341-22 and AISC 360-22: Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Building for code checking and member design.

New Section Database Support - IS 808:2021 and IS 4923:2017

S-FRAME now includes two new Indian Steel Section Databases namely the IS 808:2021 and IS 4923:2017 (hollow sections).


For more detailed information, we would suggestion reviewing each products Product Release Notes.
