Altair Compose: What’s New in Compose 2023.1

manoj kandukuri
manoj kandukuri
Altair Employee
edited February 2024 in Altair HyperWorks

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the latest version of our Altair Compose, expanding the supported libraries in Communication protocols, enhancing existing capabilities and user experience.

Here are some of many highlights of our latest version of Altair compose. for entire list, please visit Compose_2023.1 ReleaseNotes

Communication Library

As part of the Communication library, we now support RestAPI, TCP/IP, UDP protocols in Altair Compose.


REST, or Representational State Transfer, is an architectural style for designing networked applications for communication between client and server in a web-based environment.

Compose’s REST API library provides a standardized way for different systems to interact with each other over the internet via resource-based URL’s and exchange the data in a simple, lightweight, and stateless manner. REST API’s enables clients to interact with server side with standard HTTP methods – GET, POST, PATCH, PUT and DELETE using easy to use OML commands webread, webwrite, weboptions.

The library contains the following commands.

  • webread – Read content from URL of web service.
  • webwrite – Write content to the specified URL of web service.
  • weboptions – various configuration options to set for reading and writing from/to URL.




Network protocols like TCP/IP & UDP are now supported to create client & server applications with Read, Write operations.

Supported commands.

  • tcpclient – creates a TCP client object
  • tcpserver – creates a TCP server object
  • udpport – opens a udp port to communicate via udp protocol.

JSON library

JSOM library in Compose OML provides functions to encode and decode JSON data to OML datatypes.

  • jsonencode
  • jsondecode



                                                  *Table describing mapping of JSON with OML datatypes


Plot Assistant

Starting 2023.1, users can use plot assistant for subplots and also specify link axes property between plots.

Along with new subplot capabilities, now Plot commands window is made consistent with the editor, which brings declarative features like  color code to identify inbuilt oml commands.



Signal Processing

List of supported signal processing commands was increased in the categories of Generate, Filter, math operations on signals.



Along with an ability to run PSIM simulations both Synchronously and Asynchronously, starting 2023.1 users can leverage OML commands to run their Hyperspice and LT spice models.

Commands to Simulate hyper and LT spice models

  • PsimSimulate_Hyperspice
  • PsimSimulate_LTSpice


OML commands to Create, read, write PSIM Schematic file operations are now supported.

Commands for Schematic File operations

  • PsimCreateNewElement
  • PsimFileClose
  • PsimFileOpen
  • PsimFileSave
  • PsimGetElementList
  • PsimSetElmValue


GUI widgets and Properties

OML has extensive support for creating widgets which includes uitable objects. starting 2023.1, users can leverage uitable object to

  • Insert Icons/images in cell widgets.
  • columnformat’ property to specify what format does entire column would have.
    • char – datatype, left justified
    • logical – datatype, center justified for checkboxes
    • numeric – datatype, right justified
    • cell – datatype, popupmenus with items specified by the cell
  • headerformat’ property to specify what format does entire column would have.
    • char – datatype, left justified
    • logical – datatype, center justified for checkboxes
    • numeric – datatype, right justified
  • showgrid’ – to specify grid for the uitable object.
