What's New in Altair PolyFoam 2021

Altair Employee

PolyFoam 2021 new features include customization for venting and materials, importing of mold components, faster CAD and results loading, and enhanced defect prediction.
Venting System Customization
- Circular or rectangular line vent shapes.
- Vent size.
- Porosity setting (for optimal venting efficiency).
- Time-dependent pressure.
Apply Multiple Types of Vents Simultaneously
Material Editor
- Customizable, user-defined foam material database.
- Physical/chemical properties.
- Kinetics of chemical reaction.
- Solving option (reversible/irreversible reaction).
- Viscosity, rheology model setup.
- Gas-loss module.
Initial Concentration, Thermo-Physical Properties
Kinetic Parameters
Import Mold CAD Files
- Import upper, lower, and middle mold components and slide cores.
GUI Performance
- Improved loading speed for results. H3d data loads 10 times faster.
- Faster importing of CAD data.
- Improved graphical performance.
Enhanced Defect Criteria
- Improved prediction of defects.
- Improved stability for thin-walled and curved products with extensive meshing.
Enhanced Visualization of the Effect of Air Pressure on the Foaming Process
Improved Accuracy to Predict Defects at the Region of Initial Pouring
Improved Accuracy to Detect Unfilled Regions Due to Inadequate Venting