How to create a template from an existing model with settings and keeping requests?

sreeks Altair Community Member
edited August 2024 in Community Q&A

Dear Support,

How do I create a template which I can apply to other models in FEKO?

I want to keep the nearfield requests and S parameter requests and mesh settings etc saved as a blank template which I can import different antennas into

Thanks in advance,

Sreekar Ganti



  • Shannon_Mistry
    Altair Employee
    edited August 2024

    Hi Sreekar,

    There is no direct way of creating templates. However, one way of doing this could be to create a script using the Record Macro option. You can create near field and far field requests while recording the steps using the Record Macro function. The script can then be run every time you create different models of antennas. Please note that in order to create an S-parameter configuration, a port definition is required. For an empty model, you will not be able to create an S-parameter configuration


    Shannon Mistry