MLFMM Solver Improvements in Feko 2022.2
20 years ago, Feko was the first commercial high-frequency electromagnetic solver with an implementation of MLFMM (Multilevel Fast Multipole Method).
Now, in the recent Feko version 2022.2 the memory requirements, runtime, and scalability of the MLFMM solver have been improved again.
Thanks to these advances, electrically extremely large problems can be solved with highly accurate full-wave solvers.
As an example, I want to show the antenna integration of an L-band antenna at 1.09 GHz on the bottom side of a large passenger aircraft. In the past this example has been used to demo the hybrid asymptotic large element physical optics (LEPO) solver. Now, this is even solvable with the more accurate full wave MLFMM solver with reasonable memory requirements.
In this frequency band the electrical length of the A380 model is 289 wavelengths. MLFMM is using 13.897.205 basis functions and needs 388 GByte RAM. The runtime was 13 hours using 40 parallel processes at 6 CPU’s.
The pictures show the distribution of the radiated E-fields. The electromagnetic shadow of the engines is clearly visible
Download Feko at Altair One Marketplace - Feko 2022.2.