New GUI rotate base node creation/selection
Altair Community Member
Is it not possible to define a base node within the "rotate" window?
If I want to set the origin as my base node, but I don't have a pre-existing node defined at the origin, do I have to abort the operation, exit the tool, create a temp node at the origin, restart the "rotate" operation, and then select the temp node that I just created as a base node?
Yes I believe you would need to create another node to reference as the base node for the "Transformation Tool". If you don't need the advanced features of the "Transformation Tool", you could alternatively use the "Move" tool:
- Enter the move tool
- Double click on the coordinate system's origin until it turns orange. This lets you move the coordinate system without moving the selected entity.
- Enter 0,0,0 for the location of the coordinate system's origin, press enter to confirm
- Left click in the workspace to reset the coordinate system (turns from orange to white)
- Now you can rotate/translate the coordinate system with the base at the origin.