Where can I find the human head phantom models?

Maja Skiljo
Maja Skiljo Altair Community Member
edited February 6 in Community Q&A

Dear Sirs,  

in your paper at: https://community.altair.com/community?id=community_blog&sys_id=3c0005951b2dfd50c4dfdbd9dc4bcbfd&view_source=searchResult

 it is stated that 'Altair provides a range of different human phantoms that can be used to represent human model for a realistic simulation.'  

Please, where can I find these human models? For example the exact model from the paper- IEEE SAM head model?  


Kind regards, Maja


Best Answer


  • Madelé
    Altair Employee
    edited February 6 Answer ✓

    Hello @Maja Skiljo 

    You should be able to find the IEEE SAM head model if you search for it in the Knowledge Base here on Altair Community.

    IEEE SAM head model (SEP)

    IEEE SAM head model (FEM)

    Kind regards

  • Maja Skiljo
    Maja Skiljo Altair Community Member
    edited February 6

    Hello Madele,

    thank you very much.


    Kind regards, Maja

  • Madelé
    Altair Employee
    edited February 6

    I trust you could access the models. Otherwise you could also look directly under Exchange here on Altair Community and search by keyword or filter for Feko.

    Best regards