Plot the normal Overlap of a Manual Selection

Carlos Fondevila
Carlos Fondevila Altair Community Member
edited April 18 in Community Q&A

Hi, I'm triying to plot the total or the average (both are valid for this matter) normal overlap of a Manual selection of a group of pellets, but the results are allwais=0. If I plot again but all the particles (not a manual selection), I obtain results, but not if I want to plot only a manual selection.

This manual selection is a big group of particles, that has certainly betweem them a minimum overlap value.

What's the problem?



Best Answer

  • PrasadAvilala
    Altair Employee
    edited April 18 Answer ✓

    Hi Carlos,

    Can you please enable the filter  All Particle <> Particle contacts

    By default, for the selection options, contact details won't be export. Hence please update the particle contact settings shown as per below picture 




    Prasad A


  • PrasadAvilala
    Altair Employee
    edited April 18 Answer ✓

    Hi Carlos,

    Can you please enable the filter  All Particle <> Particle contacts

    By default, for the selection options, contact details won't be export. Hence please update the particle contact settings shown as per below picture 




    Prasad A

  • Carlos Fondevila
    Carlos Fondevila Altair Community Member
    edited April 18

    Hi Carlos,

    Can you please enable the filter  All Particle <> Particle contacts

    By default, for the selection options, contact details won't be export. Hence please update the particle contact settings shown as per below picture 




    Prasad A

    It works, thanks!