Particle removal tutorial and bonding parameters

satri Altair Community Member
edited February 2024 in Community Q&A


I have a chain of particles whose bonding parameters are calibrated with the values from the literature. Now when i create meta-particles using the builtin factory i am able to get fibers without breaking the chain.

But when i use a custom factory and replacement API the bond breaks and the chain breaks.

What i want to know is when a meta particle is generated by the factory what is the bonding time that is used in the meta particles to bind it? Please let me know




  • satri
    satri Altair Community Member
    edited February 2024

    Can someone please tell me how this bonding time will affect the simulation?


  • Stephen Cole
    Stephen Cole
    Altair Employee
    edited February 2024

    Can someone please tell me how this bonding time will affect the simulation?


    Hi Syham,


    The bonded V2 model creates a bond between two particles if the CREATIONTIME custom property of the two particles is identical, and that value is equal to the current simulation time.  These values all have to be identical.  Particles also have to be in contact and to have the bond properties (normal/tangential stiffness etc.) specified in the bonding V2 user interface.

    There is some more information on the custom property here:


