Topology Optimizaiton variable penalty factor definition

While appling the Topology Optimization, i want to define special relation between E/Eo and Density.
For example, SIMP method define the formulation as: E/E0 = (density)^penalty factor
My desire equation = E/E0 = a*(density)^4 + b*(density)^3 + c*(density)^2+d*density+e
To sum up, can i use polynomail function instead of SIMP relation for topology optimization ?
Thanks you for attention.
as far as I know there's no way of adding your own equation concerning the penalty factor. Although this is a quite simple modification, it would be necessary to compute back all sensitivities of OptiStruct based on your penalty method, which is not feasible.
May I ask your application?
Depending on your model size, you should play with Compose to have more freedom in implementing these new formulations.
Here I've used the classic 99-lines TO in Compose.