Boudary conditions for displacement

I am trying to make a movement of nodes as shown in the image. I want the movement to be lika a circle ( i dont want rectangular displacements). How would you recommend to do this? INitial point is 1 and final point is 2.
I have tried an SPC with two DOFs constrained (x,y) with it respective displacement values in two DOFs 1 and 2.
How would you recommend to make this displacemnet.?
Thank you in advance for your itme.
This can be done by first assigning the nodes to a cylindrical coordinate system and then constraining radial and trasnlational directions with SPC and enforcing displacement in the tangential direction with SPCD.
1. From the Analysis page, enter the systems panel.
2. Select the assign radio button.
3. Make sure the entity selection switch in front of set: is set to nodes.
4. Click the yellow button nodes to open the extended entity selection window and select all.
5. Click the yellow button system to activate it and select the red colored system from the graphic window.
6. Click set displacement.
The message on the footer bar “The analysis system has been assigned” appears.
7. Click return.0