Can I export my displacement results from hyperview using TCL script ? Also, can I import material and property table through TCL and update it in model?

Adeline War_20670
Altair Community Member
I have a model and I would like to export my result data by using TCL script, whose solution was done by optistruct solver. Also, I would like to update the property and material of the model by using a table generated through TCL script. Please let me know how to work on this?
Can you provide a bit more information?
What format do you want to export the 'result data' as? For all the nodes? Or just some selected locations? What are you aiming to achieve by exporting it?
Can you provide an example of a model and property and material data? (I guess this is for HyperMesh rather than HyperView?)
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@Paul Sharp I have figured it out. Thank you.
I exported the results using a TCL script called through MATLAB.