What inputs do I need for a torque, power or multisensor to work?

Julia Szyszko
Julia Szyszko Altair Community Member
edited March 2023 in Community Q&A

I am manipulating the simple drivetrain example from the demo browser under the modelica mechancial section and I try to change the angleSensor and it works for velocity etc.. But I am really interested in torque or the other sensors I mentioned previously. 

Also how can I change the x axis from time to something else such as angle in the scope graph?


  • RoKet
    Altair Employee
    edited March 2023

    Hi Julia,

    a) As in real life, you need to place a torque sensor between two components (within a connection). Alternatively you can use the MultiSensor to get power, torque, and speed with only one component.


    b) The basic scope uses always time as x axis. But there is another scope that uses any other signal as x axis (ScopeXY).
