¿How can I give rotation movement to a propeller?

I'm new in using AcuSolve solver with Hyperworks CFD.
I'm analysing a cuadricopter drone and I cannot give the propellers rotation movement. I have each propeller as a separated solid body, so once meshed, I'm giving it rotation by menu Motion>Rotation>SolidBody of the propeller>I select axis and velocity, but it does not work.
How could I do it?
Thank you.
These two tutorials would be a good place to start - for reference.
Steady-state reference frame - no mesh motion:
Transient with rotating/sliding mesh:
You won't actually use the 'solids' of the propellers themselves, but you will need a separate volume around the surfaces of the propellers - rotating a fluid volume around the propeller. (The 'solid' space is actually void to the fluid volume.)0