Can the "ZeroIfNull" function be used in Monarch Classic?

Al_22614 Altair Community Member
edited August 2022 in Community Q&A

Can  the "ZeroIfNull" function be used in Monarch Classic, or is it only available in DPS? Is there an comparable function in Monarch Classic?

I have a series of Numeric Fields in a source data file where the values are null.  I would like my calculation to treat Null values as Zero.  

My work around is to create new calculated fields for all existing fields where the values may be null, like the calculation, below:

Existing Field1: Price      New Calculated Field1:  CalcPrice=  If(IsNull(Price), 0, Price)

Existing Field2  Volume   New Calculated Field2:  CalcVol =  If(IsNull(Volume), 0, Volume)

Final Calculation:  CalcSale = CalcPrice * CalcVol

Desired Calculation: CalcSales = ZeroIfNull(Price) * ZeroIfNull(Volume)

Any help is appreciated.



  • mabdolrahim_1357
    Altair Employee
    edited August 2022

    Hi Al,

    The ZeroIfNull function is only available in Monarch DPS.

