Student license approval

Mayank Khatri
Mayank Khatri Altair Community Member
edited 2023 07 in Community Q&A

I have applied for student license on 27th of Feb and still till 6th of march I have not received. I am studying about hyperworks and without the software it is very hard to cope up, I request you to please look into this matter and provide me with license. Thank you for understanding. 



  • Payal Pawar_20288
    Payal Pawar_20288
    Altair Employee
    edited 2023 07


    Please request for the student edition license  again here with the correct Ethernet ID.

    NOTE: Kindly use your official College/University email ID for registration.

    If you do not have a university provided email ID, please request with any email ID but attach an image of your college ID card.