Study Decoupling between two antenna

I’m trying to study the decoupling between two antenna VHF antenna and UHF/VHF antenna.
First antenna:
VHF antenna Band is (30 -88 MHz)
Power (0.28 W, 5 W, 50 W)
Length of antenna is
3.3 m
Antenna Characteristic
Second antenna:
UHF antenna Band is (100–500MHz)
(500 - 1300 MHz)
Power (AM 32 W – FM 100 W)
Antenna Characteristic:
They ask for 12 dB of decoupling at 1.3 m of distance between the two antennas.
“” the necessary minimal decoupling to allow the simultaneous functioning transmission/reception, with a degradation of range on the received signal lower than 35 %, is 12 dB””
“The equipment situated in the neighbourhood of the antenna shall bear the RF field radiated
transmitting at maximal power (50W). This field can reach 60 V/m ata distance of 1 meter from the antenna”
“The installation shall not radiate broadband parasites which level is higher than 10dBμV/m, in the
neighbourhood of the antennas (0.50 m)”
Do you have any ideas how we can study this case?
Feko can be used for the decoupling modelling:
You will need to create models of the two antennas.
Once you have models of the two antennas, then you should create an S-parameter request and check the value of S21 in dB. This should be smaller than -12 dB.
As for the equipment, the manufacturer should be able to comment on the EM susceptibility of the equipment and its electronics.
A simple shielding test is to model the outside of the equipment, maybe this is a PEC box, with small holes. The source would be the antenna, set to radiate 50 W of power. Again, whether the electronics inside can handle these fields is for the manufacturer to say.