EDEM-Acusolve Coupling

Hello. I have just started using acusolve to couple with edem. The coupling was a success but after opening the solver deck that was exported from acusolve in edem, it seems that the size of the model got bigger. Is there any settings that I didn't set beforehand? Also, after trying to run both coupled software, it took a very long time to simulate. Even after one night, it hasn't gone through 1% of the simulation time yet. Is it supposed to be like that or is there any optimization that can be done? Thank you.
Danish Imran.
Hi Danish,
On the size of the solver deck is this the edem.dem file and associated filename_data folder. The data folder in EDEM contains the simulation results and would typically be fairly large depending on the file size.
Regarding the speed EDEM and AcuSolve solve separately and the speed depends on each solvers settings in addition to the communication interval between the two. Communicating at a lower frequency would improve the speed however this can lead to instabilities in the model.
You could run each simulation totally uncoupled to check how long each one takes to see if this is the communication interval or which solver takes the most time. AcuSolve typically runs best with the addition of more CPU's and EDEM would run fastest using the CUDA GPU solver. With regard to EDEM simulation speed a few useful blogs are: