Create MyRibbon on HyperWorks2021

Dear All,
I would like to add to my graphical interface a menu (Ribbon) with all my macro.
I would like also, in somehow centralize this for all my company.
Something like the user page.
Someone has done it?
At the moment I have created a ribbon.tcl with the command (I have added this file in my working directory and I gave to the icon for start the commnad to run it in the target):
<PAGE name="MyRibbon" displayName="MyRibbon">
<GROUP name="My Group">
<ACTION name="Test" toolTip="Tolltip Test" image="tempMainRibbonStrip-80.png" tcl="source L:/CAE Office/Macro_Altair/test.tcl" />
<MENU name="MyMenu" displayName="MyMenu">
<MENU_ITEM displayName="Test1" hwcommand="source L:/CAE Office/Macro_Altair/test.tcl"/>
where the routine test.tcl is a simple routine to verify if it works.
At the moment it doesn't work and I can not upload this ribbon with test.tcl file.
Do you have any idea on how to fix this matter?
Thanks a lot to All.
I would definitely look into extensions for this:
Extensions are a great way to share things too.
Here is a blog where I go through the creation of a ribbon:
The Extension Manager changed in 2022.1 and I am working on a new blog to go over these changes.