Does EDEM have possibility to have impact-velocity-dependent restitution coefficient?

Nakwon Altair Community Member
edited September 2024 in Community Q&A

In my model, steel shots and a titanium plate are introduced in a chamber.

Steel shots are made of 100Cr6 and the titanium plate oscillates with 20kHz of frequency.

In reality, the interaction between shots and plate does not have a constant restitution coefficient, since the restitution coefficient is dependent on the impact velocity. Thus, I would like to introduce a variable restitution coefficient during the EDEM simulation.

Does EDEM have a possibility to have the impact-velocity-dependent restitution coefficient? or just a constant number is accepted during simulation?


Best Answer


  • RWood
    Altair Employee
    edited September 2024


    This isn't possible with any of the standard contact models in EDEM but it's possible using the API. You would need to decide what contact model you want to use first (Hertz Mindlin, JKR, Linear Spring, etc) and then change its implementation to use your own value for the coefficient of restitution.

    Inside any EDEM contact models, any 'interaction' values you see will be coming from the values provided in EDEM's GUI. You could simply replace those as you see fit. So everywhere where you would normally see:


    you would instead use your own value, calculated however you like.




  • Renan
    Altair Employee
    edited September 2024 Answer ✓

    Hi Nakwon,

    There's an API in the Altair Exchange that implements a custom version of the Hertz-Mindlin model that allows you to use a coefficient of restitution that's a function of the impact velocity. You can find it here:

    Best regards,
