How can I simulate a gas flow in hyperworks CFD based on real gas model?

Zafarmand_2024 Altair Community Member
edited June 2022 in Community Q&A

Hi all,


I want to simulate a gas (hydrogen) flow in a nozzle in high pressure (700 bar).

In this pressure, Hydrogen shows a big deviation to the ideal gas and therefore should be simulated as a real gas rather than ideal gas.

How can I implement that?

I am using Hyperworks CFD as the pre-processor and AcuSolve as the solver.

Many thanks for your helf in advanced.




Best Answer

  • acupro
    Altair Employee
    edited June 2022 Answer ✓

    There is currently support in AcuSolve for Ideal Gas, but not for Real Gas.


  • acupro
    Altair Employee
    edited June 2022 Answer ✓

    There is currently support in AcuSolve for Ideal Gas, but not for Real Gas.